Woohooberry Outdoor Sports cartoon camper T-shirt is the ultimate cool camping and sports gear for those who love outdoor activities, nature, camping, fishing, boating, hunting, hiking, etc. Camping out and enjoying nature is one of the greatest things to do in life. This summer you are going camping in your new camping t-shirt. Get yours now!!
WooHooBerry is a cartoon character that loves outdoor events and sports. It loves nature and healthy food, and it wants to share its passion with other people.
Our aim is to produce the highest quality t-shirts with equally engaging designs and messages. We source our clothes from high-quality sources because you only deserve the best.
WooHoo Apparel Benefits:
- A brand that doesn’t sacrifice style yet is affordable
- Wearing these clothes is like wearing a walking dream. They give you the best of both worlds: comfort and style.
- Its unique and eco-friendly designs make it a worthwhile purchase for you and your loved ones, and it has value for money too.
- Easy to wear
- Creative designs
- Fashionable designs with a philosophical meaning behind them.
Quality of fabric:
Say hello to your new cartoon camper T-shirt & go-to tee!
- 4.0 oz., 60% Combed Ring-Spun USA Premium Cotton/40% Polyester
- 30/1’s Fine Knit Jersey
- Side-Seamed
- Fabric laundered
- Features a Tear Anywhere Label
The benefits of the ring-spun cotton cartoon camper T-shirt are:
1. The ring-spun cotton feels soft because of its refined production process.
2. Its construction creates a stronger, tighter fabric weave that still feels lightweight and breathable.
3. Because of the tighter knit, the ring-spun fabric is more durable than standard cotton and lasts longer.
Add the extra process of combing, and cartoon camper T-shirts are even softer!